
aku ada soalan

kenapa semua orang suka buat survey? entah la soalan banyak gile ayam(mak aku marah aku sebut ba+alip+ba+ya). baik buat terus kertas peperiksaan. aku dulu pernah buat survey2 ni, tapi bertahan dalam 2 soalan lepas tu aku malas nak jawab. soalan cam cacing kerawit sape nak buat. aku tak tahu camna dorang bleh suke plus rajeen gile badak buat survey. betulke seronok? (statement mahu cuba2). disebabkan aku da berkurun tak buat survey, sekarang aku terlampau rajin, aku nak buat lah survey balik. mari lihat ke bawah.

Have you ever licked the back of a CD to try to get it to work?::
betulkah boleh lick di belakang cd? mak aku tak ajar pun.

Were you popular in high school?::
aku tak suka popular, aku suka famous

By what age would you like to be married?::
sekarang pon boleh. haha

Have you ever made a mistake?::
everyone does

Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?::
tiada, cikgu aku semua tak kacak.

Have you ever peed in public?::
ko rase?

Would you tell your parents if you were gay?::
aku bukan gay

Beatles or Stones?::
beatles ah. batu buat apa?

If you had to pick one person on earth to die, who?::
ultraman krn beliau raksasa pupus

Beer, wine or hard liquor?::
haram la siot!

What are your plans for the future?::
sila tunggu 10 tahun lagi

Do you walk around the house naked?::
bodo uh soalan. teruja kang family aku.

If you were an animal what would you be?::
kau tak tahu ke manusia ialah sebaik2 kejadian? bersyukurlahh.

Hair color you like on someone you're dating?::
rainbow boleh?

Would you rather be blind or deaf?::
kenapa mesti perlu??aku normal sahaja.

What do you do as soon as you walk in the house?::
masuk bilik, tengok cermin dan senyum sorang2

Do you like horror or comedy?::
comedy. horror sgt kecutperut

Are you missing anyone?::
yes. taknak tanya sape ker??

Where do you want to live when you are old?::
rumahku syurgaku

Who is the person you can count on the most?::

If you could date any celebrity past or present, who would it be?::
aku tak minat artis, aku minat datuk. haha

What did you dream last night?:
adik aku pakai susuk. ntah pape punye mimpi.

Have you ever been in love?::
coming soon coming soon

Do you sing in the shower?::
ada kau dengar??

Would you ever get plastic surgery?::
for what? aku natural beauty. haha

Are u single, taken or not sure?::
3-3 pon aku pasrah.

konklusi: aku rasa jawab survey lagi baik dari jawab pmr. :)